How to run c program in windows 10
How to run c program in windows 10

how to run c program in windows 10 how to run c program in windows 10

Runas /user:admin /savecred “C:\Windows\cmd.exe”Īfter specifying the password, it will be saved to the Windows Credential Manager. The /savecred parameter is used for this. You can save the user credentials (with password) that you enter. How to Use RunAs Without Password Prompt? This allows the application to launch much faster, but may cause incorrect operation of programs that store app data in the user’s profile. If you don’t want to load user profile when starting the program as different user, use the /noprofile parameter. Runas /netonly /user:contoso\bmorgan cmd.exe In this case, you need to use the following command (It is assumed that the DNS server specified in your computer’s network settings can resolve this domain name): Sometimes you need to run a program as a domain user from a computer that is not joined to the AD domain. Runas /user:corp\server_admin "C:\Windows\system32\notepad.exe C:\ps\region.txt"Įnter the password for corp\server_admin:Īttempting to start C:\Windows\system32\notepad.exe C:\ps\region.txt as user "corp\server_admin ". For example, to open a text file using notepad on behalf of a domain user, use the command: If you need to run a program under a domain user, use the following name format: or DomainName\UserName.

How to run c program in windows 10